Cameron GruenbergThe Mid-States Morgan Horse Club has named Cameron Gruenberg as the winner of the club’s 2024 scholarship.

Cameron will use the scholarship to continue her studies at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where she is in her sophomore year and preparing for dental school. Outside of classes, Cameron enjoys participating in the college’s pre-health and ski clubs.

Cameron has been involved with Morgans her entire life at her family’s Stone Ledge Farm, in South Beloit, Illinois. In the essay that accompanied her scholarship application, she described the impact Morgans have had on her progression as a rider, due to their natural teaching and mentoring abilities. Cameron’s accomplishments include World and National titles in classic pleasure saddle, classic saddle seat equitation, and hunter pleasure.

The club is proud to present this $1,000 scholarship to further the education of youth members who demonstrate a commitment to the Morgan breed.